Official site of the company | World-Implant

Implant system number №1

Quality for the USA and Europe market

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Innovative solutions, modern approach and new perspectives in implantology

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Implant system

The realization of new opportunities

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Implant system

Movement and development - without compromise or doubt

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Implant system

Movement and development - without compromise or doubt

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Buy 35 implants and get a surgical kit for free

Buy 35 implants and get a surgical kit for free
Buy a Helix (Straumann) implant and get a zirconium crown for free

Buy a HELIX implant and get a zirconium crown for free

New in our blog

US implants TM Bauer`s Implants have been tested in European laboratories, confirming their quality and safety

Bauer`s Implants, manufactured by ABM Technology plant in Dnipro, will soon appear on the US and Europe market. For the last six months, Bauer`s Implants have been undergoing preclinical tests in laboratories in USA and Europe. Now all stu...

How dental implantation developed: from wood and shell inserts to modern Bauer`s Implants

Dental implantation is a procedure that makes life easier for many modern people. Thanks to dental implants, they can feel comfortable and look good without being embarrassed by their smile. Since now implantology has reached a high level ...