Dental implant factory ABM Technology in Dnipro held an excursion for dentists (PHOTO)

On July 16, the ABM Technology plant in Dnipro, specializing in the production of dental implants, organized an excursion for dentists. Doctors could see with their own eyes how the production of Bauer`s Implants is going on and make sure that all quality standards are met at every stage.

IA "MOST-DNEPR" became aware of this at the scene.

The brand manager of the plant Anastasia Bardasova said that such excursions at the plant are held very often - for all interested specialists:

“Today we have invited implantologists to our production facility. We are proud of our enterprise and are ready to invite everyone to visit our plant. We want dentists to be able to personally verify that there is an enterprise in USA capable of producing implants of European quality. Our doors are open to everyone” she said.

The dentists were introduced to the products of the plant.

The plant's specialists answered all the doctors' questions of interest, listened to their ideas and suggestions. Employees of the enterprise noted: ABM Technology always makes contact with customers and responds to their requests.

The plant's specialists familiarized the implantologists with the complete production process, commenting in detail on each stage of the implant manufacturing.

The dentists were told that for the production of dental implants at ABM Technology, titanium of the Grade 4 brand is used, because this material does not contain foreign impurities and toxic elements. From the warehouse, titanium rods are sent for machining, which takes place on high-precision Japanese TSUGAMI machines. ABM Technology is the only enterprise in USA that has such equipment.

The doctors were shown how parts are washed using ultrasound, alkaline and acid solutions.

The implantologists saw that the plant checks the quality of 100% of the products at all stages of their production.

The doctors were also shown a "clean room" - an absolutely sterile room where finished structures are packed. The "clean room" located in the factory is classified as ISO 7, which is confirmed by laboratory tests. In this room, the content of aerosol particles in the air is reduced to a minimum, which makes it possible to reduce the level of contamination (contamination) of medical devices with biological and physical components.

“Definitely, what I saw today at ABM Technology is a step forward in the US and Europe production of implants. I was impressed by everything, especially the approach of the staff to their work, to accuracy, I understand the importance of each stage. This is very pleasant, because this is a rare phenomenon, at least, as it seems to me, for USA. The plant meets my high expectations and even surpasses it in some ways. I am waiting for Bauer`s Implants to enter the market” said Ivan Molozhanov, director of the D.ANTE dental clinic in Kiev.

“Today, for the first time, I visited a domestic plant producing such high-tech products as dental implants. There is no limit to admiration. I am very happy for my country, for the fact that ABM Technology is raising the level of production with the release of such complex medical products.

Dnipro is a city of metallurgists, but as it turned out, it is a city of "supermetallurgists", because such products are produced here. I feel proud and confident that at the start of sales and in the future, ABM Technology will succeed” said Vitaly Voronin, chief physician of the D.ANTE dental clinic.

The factory notes: the doors of ABM Technology are open for everyone who wants to get acquainted with the production and make sure of the quality of the manufactured dental implants.