News for Implantologists | World-Implant


Dental implant factory ABM Technology in Dnipro held an excursion for dentists (PHOTO)

On July 16, the ABM Technology plant in Dnipro, specializing in the production of dental implants, organized an excursion for dentists. Doctors could see with their own eyes how the production of Bauer`s Implants is going on and make sure that all quality standards are met at every stage. IA "MOST-DNEPR" became aware of this at the scene. The brand manager of the plant Anastasia Bardasova said that such excursions ...

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US implants TM Bauer`s Implants have been tested in European laboratories, confirming their quality and safety

Bauer`s Implants, manufactured by ABM Technology plant in Dnipro, will soon appear on the US and Europe market. For the last six months, Bauer`s Implants have been undergoing preclinical tests in laboratories in USA and Europe. Now all studies have already been completed and Bauer`s Implants TM has received results confirming the quality and safety of the product. Fatigue test proven Bauer`s Implants lifetime warran...

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